Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Where'd you get the pink fifties?

Today was one of those Things Are Going To Be More Complicated Than Necessary days. Fuh realz, yo.

It started when I woke up and began putting in more job applications. All kinds of ridiculous "strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree" questions were asked. Examples are as follows:
"I would rather be lost in the ghetto than unsettled Wyoming."
"If Jim is older than Ron, Ron is thinner than Dave, and Dave is shorter than Everett, then Paco must be the father of Samson."
"I often misspell 'opportunity.'"

Then, I helped my father move the partitions in our horse trailer. The stakes that hold the hinges together wouldn't come out. One stake smashed my thumb and it bled profusely. Finally, the hammer that dad carefully placed on a small ledge fell off of the ledge and landed safely on my foot.

This evening, I had to take my car in for inspection and pick up Mom's. I drive my car over. I get there and her car is nowhere in sight. I ask the mechanic if it's done. He said no and that they left a message at the house. Of course, I left my cell at home. I ask to borrow his phone so I can call Dad. He pulls out his cell and dials the number and hands me the phone. No one picks up. I tell him they must be outside. I hit END. He reaches for the phone. Before I can dial Dad's cell, I see that the background of his phone is a nude chick. He apologizes thoroughly (Because, obviously, I've never seen a naked woman... Please...). I immediately regret using this nice man's phone. Dad never answers his cell. I take my car back home. Dad's not home. Mom calls him and tells him the predicament (minus the cell phone debacle [I think that's the first time I ever found it appropriate to use 'debacle' in anything I've ever said]). Dad says he'll meet me back at the garage. I drive back to the garage. Dad's not there. I drop my key off and wait for Dad. Dad picks me up. The End.

I hope you enjoyed that. I know I did.

Memory numero seis. Sorry it's muy poco.

April 25, 2009 George and I went to an '80s dance. It was the second day that George and I had been dating and the first time that I had met a majority of the Institute folk. He had been showing me off most of the night and at this point, he was talking to some of his friends and I was talking to his sister, Emy and Brittni. I saw that he was pointing me out to Pitzer. A minute or so later, Pitzer walks up to me and stands right up against me and asks, "Are you Marissa?" probably trying to throw me off by being so close. I went with my first instinct and quickly said yes and threw myself in for a hug. I won the Awkward Off.

Here's another memory, though it's not George-related.

I was in marching band. Well, color guard, really, but I consider it all to be the same group... Anywho, one afternoon, the one director was working with the woodwinds or something and everyone else was just kind of standing in place, hanging out, waiting to get back to business. Well, this two minute wait turned into a 15 minute wait and then turned into an eternity. I was talking to my friends and then we heard the entire drumline yell for Cory (their instructor). I almost died of laughter. Cory couldn't see them. All he saw was their drums on the ground. He was freaking out, yelling for them, thinking they were in the woods behind him or something. It was too perfect. What they did: they had all set their drums down. They noticed that the sunset was just perfect that it was setting a long shadow behind the drums. They lined up the drums just so and laid down behind them, in the shadow. It was one of the funniest things I think I have ever witnessed.

And just because I'm in an extra reminisce-y mood...
A memory that involves me, Stacey Loski, Ben Thompson, and some Brent kid.

Stacey: Brent, have you met Marissa?
Brent: No.
Marissa: Hi. I'm Marissa.
Brent: Hi. I'm Brent.
Ben: You guys are idiots!!! That was the worst introduction ever!! The names were blatently mentioned, but yet you have to go and introduce yourselves!! "BRENT, have you met MARISSA?" What is wrong with you?! You're so dumb!!
Brent: ... Dude, it's too late now. We've already met...
Marissa: Yeh, seriously... Maybe you should just calm down...

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