Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"I think that's a guy in an airplane suit"

Memory numero tres

One night after doing who-knows-what who-knows-where, George, Katelyn Elizabeth, and I were all driving home. I was taking Katelyn home first because she lived the farthest away from me. We were taking the dark, windy (windy as in curvy, not as in blustery) backroads (something I'm very accustomed to doing as everyone I know lives in the middle of nowhere and because that's just what you have to do if you want to get anywhere in our boondockish area). George and I got into one of our nonserious fights again. What it was about, I have no idea. Anyways, it escalated to the point where I told him to get out of the car at the next stop sign. He asked why he couldn't just get out while I was driving. I reminded him that I wanted him to get out, not get hurt. Well, the stop sign came, and he actually got out. It was some time in April and it wasn't all that warm out. He started walking. Well, of course, now I felt bad and I rolled down the window and told him to get back in the car. He argued that no, I wanted him out of the car and he didn't want to disobey my wishes in my current state of confusion. Then Katelyn started yelling out her window. If you know Katelyn, then you can probably guess that her yelling was not helpful in the least and was more humoring to George to keep walking. After about a half mile of George walking and me slowly driving behind him, I tried to be more convincing/annoying to get him in the car. Then, he decided that he was actually walking on the wrong side of the road and switched over to the opposite lane. Finally, I got out of my car and begged him to get back in the car. He asked me what was in it for him. I told him that if he did, I might love him forever. After some time, he obliged. He got in the car and I put the child lock on the door so he could not get out on his own. He asked why I so strongly insisted that he get back in the car. I told him that I wanted him in the car because he has no sense of humor and cannot take a joke and we needed to get Katelyn home before her mother killed me. And then I added the fact that I did not want him to get raped and/or murdered.

The end.

So, I didn't want to finish my post. I just wanted to say that I was a pretty emo kid back in the day. Like, seriously. If I was an adult and some kid would have handed me the kinds of poetry I used to write, I would have been genuinely concerned for that child's life. Like, 79% of the poems were about heartbreak and crying and just horrible scenes. Looking back, I did have a lot of drama and love problems in high school, but my poetry just makes me look suicidal. Check it (if you want).

Ok. That is all.

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