Thursday, April 14, 2011

Your relationships come and go, but what makes a difference is how you take advantage of the flirting eyes

So, today's prompt (pulled from the SuperCoolBlogBasket) is "Happy & Single." You have no idea how appropriate this subject is for how I'm feeling today.
To begin, let me quote from a couple of posts back.
So, in case you're unaware of my "relationship status" (I'm still trying to come up with something that sounds remotely official), let me clarify for you: I'm single and happy. Not happy because I'm single. Not single because it makes me happy. Just single AND happy in two different contexts. They don't go hand in hand (all the time). I could still be happy in a relationship. I could still be single and miserable. But for now I am single and happy.
Thinking about it, I've really already blogged the hell out of this topic, but I can't leave a sleeping dog lie (if you really knew me, you'd know how true that is). I need to go more into it. So here it is.
I do not need to be in a relationship to be happy. I know I feel that way when I'm just in a mopey mood (and especially if I just broke up with someone), but that's just me being dumb. Because, really, I've been single for the better part of seven months, and these have been some pretty great months.
In relation, I don't have to be single to be happy either. Let's face it: being in a relationship can be pretty blissful. I like being in love.
And I don't know why people are always so upset that they're single. Look at it this way: You're on an adventure! You get to go out and search (passively or assertively [your choice]) for someone who can make your heart melt! Weeeeee! Also, you should be happy you're not with So-and-so who broke your dear little heart, because, obviously, things weren't working out. Who wants to be unhappy in a relationship? See how no one's raising their hands...
As I've said before, your "relationship status" should not affect all your emotions. Be sad after a breakup. That's fine. But being forlorn and hopeless about your life months after is no way to be. I don't want a friend like that, so I don't want to be a friend like that. And most people don't want to walk up and chat with a sad person, no matter how attractive they are, so that means you're not gonna get asked out (more like consoled [not the same thing and also not a good plan to get someone to talk to you]).
Moral of my story post: If you really, really try, I bet you can be happy (unless you've got an icebox where your heart used to be [then you should probably worry and not sing about it]).

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