Sunday, January 31, 2010

Picture yourself on a boat on river

Fact: I can't take a good picture to save my life.
Wait, I take that back. I can't TRY to take a NICE picture to save my life.
Yes, that's better.
It's true, my friends. I can't take a "serious" picture that doesn't turn out looking like I'm on some kind of drug or mentally retarded.
My best pictures are when I try to look horrible or mentally handicapped or stoned. Those are masterpieces.
Sure, I do happen to get a few good ones where I'm smiling and cooperating with the camera, but that's after many DELETES.
There are the friends that try and try to get me to take a good picture with them...

And then there are the friends who have learned to deal with my disability and they help me be my best by trying to adapt to my lifestyle...

Either way, I will continue to take my terrible (on purpose) photos. I don't care what you say: I'm beautiful.

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