Saturday, January 24, 2009

Too much life running through my veins

I feel so strange. I don't know how to explain it. I'm feeling a million zillion different things as we speak. Let's list them, shall we?
Incomplete, taken advantage of, unappreciated, lost, ungrateful, destitute, haunted, nostalgic, naive...
And most of all apathetic (which is the most ironic).

I know I won't feel totally complete until George gets home.
How do I feel taken advantage of? I'm not going to answer that. I just do.
Same for unappreciated.
Lost kind of goes with the George thing. It also has to do with the fact that I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life and the rest of my life is fast approaching.
I feel ungrateful because so many people are trying to make me feel better about myself and I'm completely ignoring and/or throwing it away. Probably because those people are the same people who treat me horribly.
Destitute goes with incomplete.
I am constantly being reminded of the stupid mistakes I've made in the last couple of years.
Speaking of the last couple of years, I've been wishing I could go back and just relive some things. Not necessarily redo them. Just go through it again.
Naive. Oh, I could account for so many examples of how credulous I can be. I could give you forty examples from today alone.
And overall, I don't even care.

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